We thank the reviewer for detailed remarks and constructive suggestions. We were happy to respond to all of them: > 1. In the text of Section 1 and in the relations (1) or (2) the quantity > $\rho$, simply declared as ``gas density", has obviously to be interpreted > as a mean quantity. The same applies to $\rho$ in relations like > $\bV = \rho^\sigma \bu$, $\bmH = \bmB / \rho^\sigma$ and > $\blambda = - \nabla \ln \rho$ in Section 2.2. > In expressions like $\overline{\rho \bu^2}$ or $\overline{\rho \bu^3}$ > at the beginning of Section 2, in relation (3) or in the equation > $p = c^2_s \rho$ in Section 2.1, however, $\rho$ can hardly be interpreted > in this way. Clear statements on the meaning of $\rho$ at the different > places (perhaps the replacement of $\rho$ by $\overline{\rho}$ at some > of them) would be very desirable. In the revised paper we decompose the total density \rho into the mean and fluctuating parts. Corresponding changes have been made in all paper. > 2. It would be helpful for the reader to say at the beginning of > Section 2 that vanishing mean motion is assumed. This is now done at the beginning of Section 2 (before 2.1, in the 4th sentence) of the revised paper. > 3. The sentence ``The fluid velocity satisfies the continuity equation" > at the end of Section 2.1 sounds like a consequence of equations given > before. It should be clearly said that it is an additional requirement > on the level of equations (3) and (4). In the revised paper we added the continuity equation (5) for fluctuations of \rho' of fluid density. > 4. What means $\rho'$ in equation (22), what means $\Lambda$ ? $\rho'$ is now defined in Sect. 1 after Eq. (1), and ${\bm \Lambda}={\bm k} - i \sigma {\bm \lambda}$ is now defined at the end of Sect. 2.4. In addition, the cooling function $\tilde \Lambda(T)$, defined in Sect. 3.4, is now written with a tilde. > 5. Why $\alpha_\perp$, introduced with (26), corresponds to > $\alpha$ given by (2), and why not $\alpha_\parallel$? In the text we explain: Eq.(2) is expected to apply to $\alpha_\perp$, while $\alpha_\parallel$ is known to behave differently and can have opposite sign \citep{BNPST90,Fer92,RK93}. This is why we associate in the following $\alpha$ in this equation with the $\alpha_\perp$ defined in Eq.(27). According to Eq.(27), the notation $\perp$ in $\alpha_\perp$ implies a direction that is perpendicular to the direction $\hat{\bm e}$ (i.e., to the direction of gravity), rather than to the direction of the mean magnetic field. > 6. The sentence ``In our units, $c_s = k_1 = \rho_0 = \mu_0 =1$" > in Section 3.3 is not understandable. > Can it not simply be canceled? Yes, we have now omitted this. > 7. $\tilde{\alpha}_\parallel$, shown in Fig.~4, is not defined. The tilde was explained before saying We denote the corresponding non-dimensional quantities by a tilde and quote in the following their average values over an interval $z_1\leq z\leq z_2$, in which these ratios are approximately constant. and {\alpha}_\parallel was explained as a coefficient in the equation. We have now repeated the explicit definition in this case. > 8. Numbers for $z_1$ and $z_2$ in Section 3.3? We have now added those values in the paragraph after Eq.(28) > 9. Definition of $l_0$ in Section 3.4? The definition of $l_0$ is now added in Sect. 3.4, at the end of the second paragraph. > 10. Unit of $\tau_{corr}$ in Fig. 6? The unit of $\tau_{corr}$ is Myr (see revised Fig. 6) > 11. The remarks made in Sections 3.5 and 4 on the possibility of > vanishing $\alpha$ in the case of $z$-independent $\overline{\rho u^3}$ > seem to rest on interpreting this quantity as $(\overline{\rho}^{1/3} > u_{\rm{rms}})^3$. There is however hardly any reason for an equality of > these two quantities. Note that $\overline{\rho u^3} = \overline{\rho} > \overline{u^3} + \overline{\rho' u^3}$ and $\overline{u^3} = 0$, that > is $\overline{\rho u^3} = \overline{\rho' u^3}$, where $\overline{\rho}$ > and $\rho'$ denote the mean and fluctuating parts of $\rho$. We have now clarified this by writing: In stellar mixing length theory \citep{Vit53}, one assumes that the temperature fluctuation, $T'$, is proportional to $\urms^2$, so the convective flux $\overline{(\rho\uu)'c_p T'}$ is well approximated by $\meanrho\urms^3$, which is also confirmed by simulations \citep{BCNS05}. We hope that with these modifications our paper is now ready for publication in the mail issue of the Astrophysical Journal.