Final Report
Scientific goals and main
The primary goal of the
program was to discuss the current understanding and new
approaches to solving the problem of the origin of ...
..., which is one
of the central problems of physics and astrophysics, and a key to
understanding the cosmic magnetism, in general. There are two main
difficulties in studying this problem:
1) ...
2) ...
3) ...
The program was focused on the recent observational results from ...
The main achievements of the program are in establishing links
between the dynamo theory, numerical simulations and observational
results, developing collaborations, approaches and ideas, and
getting new science results. The Nordita program stimulated further
development of the dynamo theory, numerical simulations and
observational programs.
Overall structure of the program
The overall duration was 4 weeks. The program activity covered the
following topics:
As a rule, the morning hours were devoted to presentations
and discussions, while the afternoons were left free for work,
although most of us gathered for coffee each afternoon,
during which some of the latest developments from participants
were discussed.
The total number of program participants was 45
including 4 women, and 20 Nordic participant
(Denmark 1, Finland 3, Sweden 16, of which 12 from Stockholm).
A significant portion of the participants came from the US (5),
Russia (4), Brazil (2), as well as Germany (6), Israel (2),
and the UK (2).
Of the 33 people from outside Stockholm,
24 stayed for 3 weeks or longer.
The program marked a highlight in the ERC-supported
Dynamo Project at Nordita,
with two of the post-docs
(Piyali Chatterjee
Gustavo Guerrero,
just departing.
Scientific outcome
Solar dynamo
models and effects of magnetic helicity and cross-helicity (A. Brandenburg, A. Bonanno, V.
Pipin, D. Sokoloff, K. Kuzanyan, N. Yokoi, S. Candelaresi, D.
Mitra, M. Reshetnyak, G. Guerrero)
As a result of the program, several
Nordita preprints
have already appeared or are expected to appear:
- NORDITA-2011-060
Mean-field transport in stratified and/or
rotating turbulence by A. Brandenburg, K.-H. Rädler,
&K. Kemel
- NORDITA-2011-072
Detection of negative effective magnetic pressure instability
in turbulence simulations by A. Brandenburg, K. Kemel, N.
Kleeorin, D. Mitra, & I. Rogachevskii
- NORDITA-2011-077
Effects of stratification in spherical shell convection
by P.J. Käpylä, M.J. Mantere, & A. Brandenburg
- NORDITA-2011-078
Verification of Reynolds stress parameterizations from simulations
by J.E. Snellman, A. Brandenburg, P.J. Käpylä, & M.J. Mantere
- NORDITA-2011-079
Dependence of the large-scale vortex instability on latitude, stratification and domain size by M.J. Mantere, P.J. Käpylä, & T. Hackman
- NORDITA-2011-087
Modeling spatio-temporal nonlocality in mean-field dynamos by M. Rheinhardt, & A. Brandenburg
- NORDITA-2011-088
The fluctuating α-effect and Waldmeier relations in the nonlinear dynamo models by V.V. Pipin, & D.D. Sokoloff
- NORDITA-2011-092
Current helicity of active regions as a tracer of large-scale solar magnetic helicity by H. Zhang, D. Moss, N. Kleeorin, K. Kuzanyan, I. Rogachevskii, D. Sokoloff, Y. Gao, & H. Xu
- NORDITA-2011-108
Spontaneous formation of flux concentrations in a stratified layer by K. Kemel, A. Brandenburg, N. Kleeorin, D. Mitra, & I. Rogachevskii
- NORDITA-2011-117
Mean-field closure parameters for passive scalar turbulence by J. E. Snellman, M. Rheinhardt, P. J. Käpylä, M. J. Mantere, & A. Brandenburg
- NORDITA-2011-118
Magnetic Flux Transport by turbulent reconnection in astrophysical flows by Elisabete M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Márcia R. M. Leão, Reinaldo Santos-Lima, Gustavo Guerrero, Grzegorz Kowal, & Alex Lazarian
- NORDITA-2011-119
Growth rate of small-scale dynamo at low magnetic Prandtl numbers by N. Kleeorin, & I. Rogachevskii
- NORDITA-2011-120
Solar cycle properties described by simple convection-driven dynamos by Radostin D. Simitev, & Friedrich H. Busse
- NORDITA-2011-121
Bipolar Magnetic Regions on the Sun: Global Analysis of the SOHO/MDI Data Set by J. O. Stenflo, & A. G. Kosovichev
- NORDITA-2011-122
Vortex Tubes of Turbulent Solar Convection by I.N. Kitiashvili, A.G. Kosovichev, N.N. Mansour, S.K. Lele & A.A. Wray
- NORDITA-2012-6
Dynamics of Magnetized Vortex Tubes in the Solar Chromosphere by I.N. Kitiashvili, A.G. Kosovichev, N.N. Mansour, & A.A. Wray
- NORDITA-2012-7
Lagrangian chaos in an ABC--forced nonlinear dynamo by E. L. Rempel, A. C.-L. Chian, & A. Brandenburg
Excerpts from selected responses from the participants
- Thanks a lot for the fantastic program.
- I think it was very good that we also had observers and
"non-simulation people".
- The organization was very good. I very much like the
structure, with morning talks and after lunch just the coffee.
- I am very grateful to the organizers of the program and to
Nordita for creating excellent conditions for scientific work
and cooperation.
- In some parts of the program, the schedule became dense.
- The portion of the participants who stay most period of the
program was very high. As this result, as a whole, we could
enjoy enough time to discuss and collaborate with these
- I enjoyed meeting and talking to many of the participants.
The community of people on the meeting has been strong, lively
and friendly.
- It might be interesting, if the meeting had some list of
open problems, which would be worked out by the participants
during the program.
- I found that you had got together a great group of people,
and that the interactions were excellent. It is hard to
improve on it. I think it would be great if this program could
be repeated in a couple of years.
- A lot of new ideas and different approaches were discussed,
and will most probably lead to important breakthroughs in this
field in the near future.
- My comments on this Nordita program are enthusiastic! I
have benefit a lot from this very scientifically intense and
friendly atmosphere in during this month.
Other items