SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ WARNING: find_namelist: namelist "special_init_pars" is missing!! bcx1,bcx2= copcopcopcop : copcopcopcop bcy1,bcy2= copcopcopcop : copcopcopcop bcz1,bcz2= p p p p : p p p p lperi= F F T SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: gravity_r.f90,v v. 1.1 (2018/08/24 15:48:10) wlyra SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ The verbose level is ip= 14 (ldebug= F ) This is a 2-D run nxgrid, nygrid, nzgrid= 100 100 1 Lx, Ly, Lz= 1.20000005 0.949999928 1.00000000 Vbox= 10.5368834 units_general: unit_velocity= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_density= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_length= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_magnetic= 3.5449078083038330 units_eos: unit_temperature= 1.2027220775801925E-008 units_eos: cp, lnTT0, cs0, pp0, Rgas= 1.00000000 -6.90775490 3.16227786E-02 1.00000040E-03 1.00000000 initialize_gravity: zero gravity potential diffusion: nothing (i.e. no mass diffusion) initialize_density: no need to read initial stratification for lanti_shockdiffusion=F. select_eos_variable: Using rho and cs2 viscous force: nu*(del2u+graddivu/3+2S.glnrho) Min global gg = -12.4838352 Max global gg = 0.00000000E+00 Sum global gg = -22227.6816 pencil_consistency_check: checking pencil case pencil_consistency_check: checking requested pencils pencil_consistency_check: performing small pencil check pencil_consistency_check: the small pencil check reported no problems pencil_consistency_check: checking dependence on pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: results are independent of pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: checking diagnostics pencils pencil_consistency_check: performing small pencil check pencil_consistency_check: the small pencil check reported no problems pencil_consistency_check: set lpencil_check_diagnos_opti=T in to report pencil_consistency_check: optimisation possibilities for diagnostics pencils pencil_consistency_check: checking dependence on pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: diagnostics are independent of pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: all tests passed pde: ENTER SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ calc_pencils_hydro: call gij_etc calc_pencils_energy: max(advec_cs2) = 23.7747421 duu_dt: SOLVE Bcs for ux, x: < cop>, y: < cop>, z: < p> Bcs for uy, x: < cop>, y: < cop>, z: < p> Bcs for uz, x: < cop>, y: < cop>, z: < p> duu_dt: max(advec_uu) = 295.369751 dlnrho_dt: SOLVE Bcs for lnrho, x: < cop>, y: < cop>, z: < p> dlnrho_dt: max(diffus_diffrho ) = 0.00000000E+00 dlnrho_dt: max(diffus_diffrho3) = 0.00000000E+00 ----it--------t---------dt-------dtnu------dtc-------rhomin-------rhomax--------rhom----------uxm----------uym----------uzm---------uxmax--------uymax--------uzmax--------uxuym--------uxuzm--------uyuzm---- 0 0.000 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 3.633E-22 6.707E-01 8.624E-02 8.816E-03 7.840E-04 9.340E-01 4.455E-02 9.189E-03 1.915E+00 9.501E-05 5.498E-03 -7.469E-04 10 0.013 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 3.816E-22 6.704E-01 8.624E-02 8.814E-03 7.906E-04 9.340E-01 4.414E-02 9.186E-03 1.916E+00 9.480E-05 5.501E-03 -7.377E-04 20 0.027 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 4.012E-22 6.700E-01 8.624E-02 8.813E-03 7.971E-04 9.341E-01 4.404E-02 9.182E-03 1.917E+00 9.460E-05 5.504E-03 -7.285E-04 30 0.040 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 4.223E-22 6.696E-01 8.624E-02 8.813E-03 8.036E-04 9.341E-01 4.407E-02 9.178E-03 1.918E+00 9.440E-05 5.508E-03 -7.193E-04 40 0.053 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 4.449E-22 6.692E-01 8.624E-02 8.812E-03 8.101E-04 9.342E-01 4.411E-02 9.172E-03 1.918E+00 9.420E-05 5.512E-03 -7.101E-04 50 0.067 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 4.692E-22 6.689E-01 8.624E-02 8.812E-03 8.165E-04 9.342E-01 4.414E-02 9.166E-03 1.919E+00 9.400E-05 5.516E-03 -7.009E-04 60 0.080 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 4.953E-22 6.685E-01 8.624E-02 8.813E-03 8.230E-04 9.342E-01 4.417E-02 9.159E-03 1.919E+00 9.380E-05 5.520E-03 -6.917E-04 70 0.093 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 5.232E-22 6.681E-01 8.624E-02 8.813E-03 8.294E-04 9.343E-01 4.420E-02 9.152E-03 1.919E+00 9.360E-05 5.525E-03 -6.825E-04 80 0.106 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 5.532E-22 6.678E-01 8.624E-02 8.814E-03 8.358E-04 9.343E-01 4.423E-02 9.144E-03 1.919E+00 9.340E-05 5.529E-03 -6.734E-04 90 0.120 1.33E-03 1.19E-02 1.62E-02 5.853E-22 6.674E-01 8.624E-02 8.815E-03 8.422E-04 9.344E-01 4.425E-02 9.136E-03 1.920E+00 9.321E-05 5.534E-03 -6.642E-04 Simulation finished after 91 time-steps Writing final snapshot at time t = 0.12104426164296456 Wall clock time [hours] = 1.250E-03 (+/- 2.7778E-07) Wall clock time/timestep/meshpoint [microsec] = 4.943956 Maximum used memory per cpu [MBytes] = 11.598 Maximum used memory [MBytes] = 11.598 real 4.95 user 4.50 sys 0.03