Pencil1: iapp, nprocs, ncpus= 0 4 4 SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) no cvsid is given i SVN: ------- v. ( ) no cvsid is given i initialize_mpicomm: enabled MPI SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: particles_dust.f90 v. 1.1 (2018/08/24 15:48:10) wlyra SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ The verbose level is ip= 14 (ldebug= F ) This is a 2-D run nxgrid, nygrid, nzgrid= 64 64 1 Lx, Ly, Lz= 6.2831853071795862 6.2831853071795862 6.2831853071795862 Vbox= 39.478417604357432 units_general: unit_velocity= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_density= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_length= 1.0000000000000000 units_general: unit_magnetic= 3.5449077018110318 units_eos: unit_temperature= 1.2027220936797545E-008 units_eos: cp, lnTT0, cs0, pp0, Rgas= 1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000E+000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 diffusion: nothing (i.e. no mass diffusion) initialize_density: no need to read initial stratification for lanti_shockdiffusion=F. select_eos_variable: Using rho and cs2 initialize_shear: turned shear acceleration off and handed it over to Particles_drag. initialize_particles: turned off and hand over shear acceleration to Particles_drag. initialize_particles: dust-to-gas ratio eps_dtog= 1.0000000000000000 initialize_particles: mass per constituent particle mpmat= 0.0000000000000000E+000 initialize_particles: mass per superparticle mp_swarm = 9.6382855479388262E-003 initialize_particles: number density per superparticle np_swarm= 0.0000000000000000E+000 initialize_particles: mass density per superparticle rhop_swarm= 1.0000000000000000 initialize particles: set minimum collisional time-scale equal to two times the Courant time-step. initialize_particles_map: selected triangular-shaped-cloud for particle-mesh method. initialize_particles_drag: tdrag = 1.0000000000000000 initialize_particles_drag: reset mp_swarm = 9.6382855479388262E-003 initialize_particles_drag: reset rhop_swarm = 1.0000000000000000 pencil_consistency_check: checking pencil case At line 341 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'x' of procedure 'real_to_index' At line 704 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 341 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'x' of procedure 'real_to_index' At line 341 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'x' of procedure 'real_to_index' At line 704 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 704 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 341 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'x' of procedure 'real_to_index' At line 704 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 779 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 779 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 779 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 779 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'tag_send_directions' At line 926 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 926 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 926 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'vp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 1056 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'vp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 1056 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'vp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 1056 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 926 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 293 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'vp' of procedure 'pic_set_particles' At line 1056 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' dxxp_dt: Calculate dxxp_dt dxxp_dt: Particles boundary condition bcpx=p dxxp_dt: Particles boundary condition bcpy=p dxxp_dt: Particles boundary condition bcpz=p dxxp_dt: Set rate of change of particle position equal to particle velocity. dvvp_dt: Calculate dvvp_dt particle_gravity: Calculating gravity particle_gravity: No gravity in x-direction. particle_gravity: No gravity in z-direction. particle_gravity: No radial gravity pencil_consistency_check: checking requested pencils pencil_consistency_check: performing small pencil check pencil_consistency_check: the small pencil check reported no problems pencil_consistency_check: checking dependence on pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: results are independent of pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: checking diagnostics pencils pencil_consistency_check: performing small pencil check pencil_consistency_check: the small pencil check reported no problems pencil_consistency_check: set lpencil_check_diagnos_opti=T in to report pencil_consistency_check: optimisation possibilities for diagnostics pencils pencil_consistency_check: checking dependence on pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: diagnostics are independent of pencil initialization pencil_consistency_check: all tests passed pde: ENTER SVN: ------- v. ( ) $Id$ calc_pencils_energy: max(advec_cs2) = 207.50578409950779 duu_dt: SOLVE Bcs for ux, x: < she>, y: < p>, z: < p> Bcs for uy, x: < she>, y: < p>, z: < p> Bcs for uz, x: < she>, y: < p>, z: < p> duu_dt: max(advec_uu) = 1.0185916357881302E-002 dlnrho_dt: SOLVE Bcs for lnrho, x: < she>, y: < p>, z: < p> dlnrho_dt: max(diffus_diffrho ) = 0.0000000000000000E+000 dlnrho_dt: max(diffus_diffrho3) = 0.0000000000000000E+000 shearing: Sshear,Sshear1= -1.5000000000000000 -1.5000000000000000 shearing: qshear,qshear0= 1.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000E+000 dvvp_dt_pencil: calculate dvvp_dt dvvp_dt_pencil: ldraglaw_purestokes= F At line 1167 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 1167 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 1167 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' At line 1167 of file particles_map_index.f90 Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created for argument 'xi' of procedure 'block_of_influence' -it------t--------dt--------uxmin---------uymin---------uxmax--------uymax---------rhomin----------rhomax---------vpxmin--------vpymin-------vpxmax-------vpymax--------rhopm--------rhopmin---------rhopmax----- 0 0.0000000 6.24E-02 0.000000E+00 -1.000000E-03 0.000000E+00 1.000000E-03 1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 5 0.3121491 6.24E-02 -4.863233E-04 -6.948158E-04 4.863233E-04 6.948158E-04 9.997738065E-01 1.000226297E+00 -1.442490E-04 -2.155667E-04 1.442490E-04 2.155667E-04 1.000000E+00 9.999762009E-01 1.000023805E+00 10 0.6242778 6.24E-02 -7.403713E-04 -4.145647E-04 7.403713E-04 4.145647E-04 9.996486119E-01 1.000351627E+00 -4.121016E-04 -2.633506E-04 4.121016E-04 2.633506E-04 1.000000E+00 9.999194817E-01 1.000080555E+00 15 0.9364275 6.24E-02 -8.062457E-04 -1.514972E-04 8.062457E-04 1.514972E-04 9.995140061E-01 1.000486419E+00 -6.373334E-04 -1.908061E-04 6.373334E-04 1.908061E-04 1.000000E+00 9.998142514E-01 1.000185880E+00 20 1.2486315 6.24E-02 -6.790681E-04 -1.053060E-04 6.790681E-04 1.053060E-04 9.993542296E-01 1.000646419E+00 -7.290988E-04 -4.545526E-05 7.290988E-04 4.545526E-05 1.000000E+00 9.996339540E-01 1.000366432E+00 25 1.5608533 6.24E-02 -3.392428E-04 -3.412291E-04 3.392428E-04 3.412291E-04 9.992432993E-01 1.000757308E+00 -6.406780E-04 -1.284166E-04 6.406780E-04 1.284166E-04 1.000000E+00 9.993990374E-01 1.000601809E+00 30 1.8731146 6.24E-02 -1.633286E-04 -5.050844E-04 1.633286E-04 5.050844E-04 9.993319928E-01 1.000667934E+00 -3.662174E-04 -2.847973E-04 3.662174E-04 2.847973E-04 1.000000E+00 9.991982669E-01 1.000803027E+00 35 2.1853085 6.24E-02 -6.189407E-04 -5.250371E-04 6.189407E-04 5.250371E-04 9.997578479E-01 1.000241703E+00 -3.386599E-05 -3.749159E-04 3.386599E-05 3.749159E-04 1.000000E+00 9.991747145E-01 1.000826599E+00 40 2.4974418 6.24E-02 -6.838816E-04 -3.660327E-04 6.838816E-04 3.660327E-04 9.995585042E-01 1.000442597E+00 -4.098113E-04 -3.618013E-04 4.098113E-04 3.618013E-04 1.000000E+00 9.994515029E-01 1.000549524E+00 45 2.8096591 6.25E-02 -1.687812E-04 -1.064513E-04 1.687812E-04 1.064513E-04 9.990686288E-01 1.000932446E+00 -5.677664E-04 -2.505186E-04 5.677664E-04 2.505186E-04 1.000000E+00 9.999858966E-01 1.000015327E+00 50 3.1219930 6.25E-02 -5.383706E-04 -6.109890E-05 5.383706E-04 6.109890E-05 9.993219727E-01 1.000676789E+00 -4.260332E-04 -1.081085E-04 4.260332E-04 1.081085E-04 1.000000E+00 9.993648442E-01 1.000637571E+00 55 3.4342296 6.25E-02 -5.972657E-04 -3.144522E-06 5.972657E-04 3.144522E-06 9.998307870E-01 1.000171238E+00 -1.649286E-04 -2.653545E-05 1.649286E-04 2.653545E-05 1.000000E+00 9.989685136E-01 1.001035517E+00 60 3.7465330 6.25E-02 -1.433634E-04 -1.432500E-04 1.433634E-04 1.432500E-04 9.994873570E-01 1.000511458E+00 -8.698464E-05 -2.996859E-05 8.698464E-05 2.996859E-05 1.000000E+00 9.988166461E-01 1.001189348E+00 65 4.0588085 6.25E-02 -4.884721E-04 -1.124653E-04 4.884721E-04 1.124653E-04 9.998423596E-01 1.000158924E+00 -2.003034E-04 -4.235127E-05 2.003034E-04 4.235127E-05 1.000000E+00 9.986181487E-01 1.001388382E+00 70 4.3711268 6.25E-02 -1.771876E-04 -3.701438E-05 1.771876E-04 3.701438E-05 9.995157184E-01 1.000482877E+00 -1.885777E-04 -6.612020E-06 1.885777E-04 6.612020E-06 1.000000E+00 9.982714879E-01 1.001736964E+00 75 4.6834298 6.25E-02 -3.407958E-04 -1.482948E-05 3.407958E-04 1.482948E-05 9.997763271E-01 1.000225768E+00 -3.052078E-05 -2.105500E-05 3.052078E-05 2.105500E-05 1.000000E+00 9.980717768E-01 1.001937114E+00 80 4.9957713 6.25E-02 -3.217637E-04 -6.134276E-05 3.217637E-04 6.134276E-05 9.998007290E-01 1.000197666E+00 -3.643251E-05 -5.799677E-06 3.643251E-05 5.799677E-06 1.000000E+00 9.980565097E-01 1.001952744E+00 85 5.3080909 6.25E-02 -8.592612E-06 -2.415096E-05 8.592612E-06 2.415096E-05 9.996511690E-01 1.000348712E+00 -7.724583E-05 -9.192863E-06 7.724583E-05 9.192863E-06 1.000000E+00 9.979372874E-01 1.002072812E+00 90 5.6204281 6.25E-02 -2.254516E-04 -1.744500E-05 2.254516E-04 1.744500E-05 9.998064120E-01 1.000195286E+00 -1.643558E-05 -2.032684E-05 1.643558E-05 2.032684E-05 1.000000E+00 9.978699340E-01 1.002139232E+00 95 5.9327812 6.25E-02 -2.671018E-04 -2.199993E-05 2.671018E-04 2.199993E-05 9.999882586E-01 1.000011405E+00 -1.289055E-05 -7.884617E-06 1.289055E-05 7.884617E-06 1.000000E+00 9.979178854E-01 1.002091478E+00 Simulation finished after 96 time-steps Writing final snapshot at time t = 5.9952464560581129 Wall clock time [hours] = 5.302E-03 (+/- 2.7778E-10) Wall clock time/timestep/(meshpoint+particle) [microsec] = 24.3 Maximum used memory per cpu [MBytes] = 11.320 Maximum used memory [MBytes] = 43.832 real 20.90 user 22.30 sys 9.04