Deadline: 2 May 2014
Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics,
the Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University,
announce a PhD student position within a project supported
by the Research Council of Norway.
The successful candidate will be working on a number of topics
related to particle clustering and raindrop formation including:
He/she will work under the supervision of Professor Axel Brandenburg at Nordita, and co-supervision of Professors Annica Ekman, Rodrigo Caballero, or Gunilla Svensson at the Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University (MISU), in collaboration with Professors Helge Andersson and Nils Erland Haugen at NTNU in Trondheim, and Professor Igor Rogachevskii at Ben-Gurion University and Nordita. This is part of a larger project on Particle transport and clustering in stratified turbulent flows, through a grant by the Research Council of Norway to Nordita.
Another PhD student will also be applied within the same project. This student will be affiliated with NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. A close collaboration between the groups in Stockholm and Trondheim is anticipated as they will be working on related topics.
Qualifications. Applicants must have completed a university degree or university studies of 240 ECTS points (corresponding to 4 years of study), of which at least 60 points at the master level. At least 90 points must be in one of the subjects meteorology, oceanography, physics or chemistry, at least 15 points must be in mathematics, and an independent project work corresponding to at least 15 points must have been completed. The requirements can also be met by acquiring the corresponding knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or abroad.
Employment. The successful candidate will be supported as a PhD candidate for 4 years. An extension is possible if the student takes up teaching or other duties at the department. The position will start on 1 September 2014, or some other date agreed upon. The PhD student will be formally enrolled in the PhD program in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography at Stockholm University, within MISU, and will have office space at both Nordita and MISU.
The application should include a
curriculum vitae with a list of publications,
2 letters of recommendation,
a verified list of courses with grades
and a motivation why the applicant wants to pursue
studies for a PhD at Nordita and MISU.
The application should be filed online at
AlbaNova University Center
Attn: Axel Brandenburg
Roslagstullsbacken 23
10691 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 5537 8707,
See also:
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