Program for the RädlerFest: Alpha Effect and Beyond (14-18 February 2011)

  Venue: Wenner Gren Center, Sveavägen 164, 11346 Stockholm (walking distance to Nordita)

  For talks scheduled during the week before, see:

Visa större karta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M O N D A Y, 14 February 8:30 Registration Session 1. Chair: Axel Brandenburg 9:30 Opening remarks, and phone call to Fritz Krause 10:00 Paul Roberts: Translation of the α effect to the West 10:30 Coffee Session 2. Chair: Maarit Mantere 11:00 Eugene Parker: Understanding the origin of astrophysical magnetic fields 12:00 Oliver Gressel: The Rädler-effect in supernova-driven turbulence 12:30 Lunch Session 3. Chair: Andrew Soward 14:00 Frank Stefani: Recent and future liquid metal experiments on cosmic magnetic fields 14:45 Peter Frick: Experimental measurement of turbulent magnetic diffusivity 15:30 Coffee Session 4. Chair: Alfio Bonanno 16:00 Marcus Gellert: Helicity generation and α-effect in MHD Taylor-Couette flows 16:30 Piyali Chatterjee: α effect from buoyancy instability [pdf] 17:00 Marie Farge: What wavelets can bring to study MHD flows? 17:30 informal reception at Wenner Gren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T U E S D A Y, 15 February Session 5. Chair: Piyali Chatterjee 9:00 Anvar Shukurov: Galactic dynamos need galactic outflows to survive 9:30 Maarit Mantere: Dynamo action in thermally unstable interstellar flows 10:00 Giuseppina Nigro: A Shell Model for Turbulent Magnetic Dynamo 10:30 Coffee Session 6. Chair: Steve Tobias 11:00 Paul Roberts: Coupling of the Earth's core and mantle 12:00 Dmitry Sokoloff: α-fluctuations and simple model of geomagnetic inversions 12:30 Lunch Session 7. Chair: Oliver Gressel 14:00 Koen Kemel: The negative magnetic pressure effect in stratified turbulence 14:20 Simon Candelaresi: Magnetic helicity and its effect on the solar dynamo [pdf] 14:40 Hidetomo Sawai: Effects of magnetic dissipation in a collapse of massive star 15:00 Rainer Arlt: Tayler instability in incompressible and compressible domains 15:30 Coffee Session 8. Chair: Peter Frick 16:00 Matthias Rheinhardt: Test methods for hydro and MHD turbulence [pdf] 17:00 Franck Plunian: Transition from large-scale to small-scale dynamo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W E D N E S D A Y, 16 February Session 9. Chair: Rainer Arlt 9:00 Andre Giesecke: Oscillating α2 dynamos 9:30 Dhrubaditya Mitra: α2 dynamo with oscillations and migrations [pdf] 10:00 Martin Schrinner: Oscillatory dynamo models and implications for the solar dynamo 10:30 Coffee Session 10. Chair: Franck Plunian 11:00 Andrew Soward: The onset of strongly localized thermal convection in rotating spherical shells 11:30 Petri Käpylä: α-effect and large-scale dynamos from convection simulations [pdf] 12:00 Gustavo Guerrero: Dynamo action and magnetic buoyancy in convection with vertical shear 12:30 Lunch Session 11. Chair: Igor Rogachevskii 14:00 Karl-Heinz Rädler: Passive scalar and magnetic field transport in potential flows 14:30 Nathan Kleeorin: Compressibility effects on turbulent MHD and passive scalar transport 15:00 Steven Tobias: Direct statistical simulation of astrophysical flows 15:30 Coffee Session 12. Chair: Petri Käpylä 16:00 Alexander Hubbard: α effect and helicity fluxes in shearing systems [pdf] 16:30 Discussion 17:30 end of discussion 19:00 Conference Dinner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T H U R S D A Y, 17 February Session 13. Chair: Frank Stefani 9:00 Eugene Parker: Spontaneous discontinuities in magnetic fields with untidy topologies 10:00 Nobumitsu Yokoi: Turbulent cross helicity: Effects and its generation [pdf] 10:30 Coffee Session 14. Chair: Anvar Shukurov 11:00 Uriel Frisch: Tyger phenomenon for the Galerkin-truncated Burgers and Euler equations 12:00 Chi-kwan Chan: Local anisotropy in MHD turbulence [pdf] 12:30 Lunch Session 15. Chair: Alexander Hubbard 14:00 Kirill Kuzanyan: Proxies of mean magnetic field and α-effect from solar vector magnetic fields 14:30 Jörn Warnecke: Dynamo-driven plasmoid ejections above a spherical surface [pptx] 14:50 Rodion Stepanov: Multiscale α2 dynamo model 15:10 Federico Stasyszyn: α2 dynamo with SPH 15:30 Coffee Session 16. Chair: Matthias Rheinhardt 16:00 Alfio Bonanno: Advection dominated dynamo in solar-type stars: cycle periods and parity selection problem 16:30 Thomas Hackman: Photometric time series analysis and Doppler imaging of late type stars 17:00 end of the day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F R I D A Y, 18 February Session 17. Chair: Martin Schrinner 9:00 Luiz Garcia: Galactic dynamos from torsion modes of Lorentz violation 9:20 Fabio Del Sordo: Vorticity production from potentially forced flows [pdf] 9:40 Axel Brandenburg: Nonlocal turbulent transport [ppt] 10:00 Shiva Kumar Malapaka: A study of magnetic helicity in forced and decaying 3D-MHD turbulence 10:30 Coffee Session 18. Chair: Dmitry Sokoloff 11:00 Igor Rogachevskii: Future of mean-field dynamo theory 12:00 Ulrich v. Kusserow: K.-H. Rädler for popular sciences 12:30 Lunch Session 19. Chair: Paul Roberts 14:00 Anvar Shukurov: Conference summary 15:00 end of the meeting